Romance In Mexico

Monday, June 9, 2008

Would you like to listening how to make romance in Maxico? Romance in Mexico can be whatever you want. You can find warm beaches all year round, a jungle paradise, or the largest city in the world. You can experience a family vacation paradise, the ultimate romantic escape, or the perfect destination wedding. The objective of your trip can be to indulge yourself in luxury, or to engross yourself in the culture. You can party like you've never partied before, drinking the best cocktails on earth, and having the adventures of a lifetime, or you can go back in history exploring Mayan Ruins. You can stay at hotels, resorts, villas, timeshare homes, or camp sites. Whatever your preference, you'll find it in Mexico. Close your eyes and dream about the perfect tropical or desert weekend, vacation, honeymoon, or wedding and rest assured, you'll find your dream come true in Mexico.

Below, you will find a few of the most tips for planning your romantic Mexican getaway.

1-you do need a passport to travel back into the US from Mexico now.
2-The currency exchange is roughly 1USD/10Pesos (USD is worth just a little more than 1o Pesos).
3-Speaking Spanish is a plus in the more isolated parts of Mexico. No worries though, just plan ahead to find an interpreter or guide when traveling into these areas.
4-All inclusive resorts have gratuity included in the price of the hotel, but in my experience, the staff does accept and appreciate tipping, especially those for whose services there is an extra charge.
5-Most resorts and hotels in all of Mexico have filtered water, so do not worry about any tummy bugs or diseases. If you aren't sure whether or not somewhere has properly filtered water, be sure to only drink bottled water. Nothing ruins a romantic holiday like an intestinal issue, or worse, a hospital stay.